Saturday, April 9, 2011

Yoga Depression

I get a severe case of YOGA DEPRESSION if I do not attend yoga.  It's more than feeling bad about not working out or maybe letting someone down by not being there.  Those things are important.  What really takes me to the "dark place" : ) is not treating myself lovingly.  When I go to yoga, I feel like that is when I am truly loving myself.  It is then I am truly giving to myself. 

I was at the Prana Southwest location yesterday to buy more books for my yoga teacher training.  Poor Chris, Dani's husband, was the only one there.  Chris seems to be there when I come in to make a purchase or make a payment on my school tuition.  Chris is not totally and perfectly familiar with the computer system and struggles to check me out.  I understand and am never impatient, but my Mother, Lois, is a bit impatient.  She is the one paying for everything right now.  She wants to get the stuff, pay for it and leave.  Yoga people are more friendly.  Chris will chat and/or he is rushed.  Those are the 2 conditions I have seen him in and it's adorable.  I always joke with Dani that I am going to steal her husband.  Dani gets the joke and understands my humor.  Chris, not so much.  ha  I mean, he knows I am joking but he LOVES and ADORES Dani so much it is hard for him to make jokes about marrying someone else.  Anyway, I feel bad when I walk in and poor Chris is there.  I know he just wants to teach his yoga class and not be bothered.  He is a joy to run into and he is so multi-talented.  I just learned he makes...really, I should say, creates, furniture/chandeliers and other stuff.  I cool is he????  But he doesn't think he's that cool.  WRONG! 

Oooops, I just rambled off topic.  It happens and will always happen.  I love that I ramble.  Some people love it about me and others hate it.  But guess who's opinion really matters?????  MINE!  : )

What I meant to say was, Chris said something yesterday that really hit home with me.  He said, and I am paraphrasing, that yoga was really an excuse or a chance to pray.  The working out and getting in shape part isn't really as important as the prayer part.  That really stuck with me and I am so grateful for running into him.  I am not sure he feels the same!  ha  I am grateful because when I am in the poses, I am often struggling and self-deprecating a bit in my thoughts.  I am usually thinking, "I can't do this pose much longer, OMG, I suck" or "This is impossible, what am I doing here?  I can't do this stuff!"  Now, because of Chris' words, I am going to pray. 

What do I mean by "pray?"  I mean, I am going to pray for myself, my dreams and my intentions.  I am going to prayer for those in all kinds of needs, pray for my loved ones and the ones I don't like so much.  I am going to pray for the mean and cold, the happy and warm.  I am just going to pray, "All my dreams are coming true." 

I love you all!
Peace Love Joy


  1. It's wonderful to have dreams and even better when they come true. A lovely blog.

  2. Lovely dear!! i have the same issues: being self depricating and yoga gives me a chance to love myself as it holds different standards than the work if u cant do something and get knocked down a rung on the ladder...but w yoga theres no need for perfection bc it is a journey inside and how u relate to tge divine, changing ur actions towards the world by internal contentment w urself among other things. Its beautiful to reach the place for prayer wi urself :) keep learning and loving urself...i will too ;)

  3. Oh yes...chris does say some beautiful things :) i learn so much from his simple statements!

  4. Thank you for your comment, Ruby! I really appreciate it. I hope you continue to comment and let me know what you think. Peace Love Joy!

  5. Thank you so much for your lovely comments, Nicole! Yoga is about your connection to the Divine, God, Source, The Universe, etc.... I still struggle a lot, but I have to believe it will get easier. Chris is very sweet. Dani and Chris are a very good couple. I love them both. I am so blessed you are in class with me. I hope to learn more from you as we learn together. Peace Love Joy
