Friday, November 18, 2011

Kathryn Budig Workshop

This even happened a few months ago and I am still riding high from the experience.  Kathryn taught me more about just going for it than anyone!  She is amazing.  It was a blessing to meet her.  I felt such joy!

Kathryn Budig-Famous Yogi! 

Kathryn Budig, gorgeous, famous yogi from Los Angeles.  She has been on the cover of the Yoga Journal, worked with famous people, traveled all over the country teaching her style and lifestyle.  Ms, Budig was in town for 3 days.  I was going to the Saturday afternoon session of her workshop.  I was feeling kind of scared.  Here I am, very inexperienced yogi, going to a famous yogi’s class.  WHAT?  I didn’t think I would have the guts.  In fact, that Saturday morning, I was thinking of skipping out.  I kind of jinxed myself in many ways that morning.  I did everything especially slow and procrastinated each step of the day.  I thought the session started at 4:30pm, plenty of time.  So, I lazed around watching TV, I colored my hair a light brown (did not turn out), played on the computer.  Well, it was getting late.  I looked at the class schedule, just for fun.  OMG !!!!  Class starts at 4PM!!!!! 

This is an older photo and I am pretending to be alarmed.  Still, I feel this somewhat represents my madness of that day.  Sorry, my eyebrows are untidy in this picture.  yikes!  ha ha
 So, I started screaming all over the place.  My twin sister, Sarah, knowing I have done this to myself for I was trying to get out of it, pretty much told me that and walked away from me.  She wasn’t going to help me????  I rushed into the bathroom to rinse the color out of my hair.  I have a lot of hair and had used 2 boxes of color.  The stuff would not rinse out.  THEN I was worried that the smell of the hair color and conditioner would be disturbing to the other yogis near me.  If that is so, I apologize.  Anyway, I am naked, screaming, rinsing my hair and washing up so fast, there was water everywhere.  I had no time to shave my legs, armpits or put on make up.  I really wanted to look decent for the Kathryn Budig show, and I would look like crap.  CRAP!  I grabbed my yoga stuff and rushed out the door.  Sarah, thankfully, agreed to drive me.  We had about 15 minutes to get there.  I live on the Northest part of town and Budig was at the Southwest location.  UGH  Sarah stayed calm and just drove.  Thankfully, she didn’t pick up on my crazy and drive recklessly.  I texted classmate Amanda, telling her I would be late.  Amanda responded she would save me a spot.  That fact sent a wave of relief throughout my body.  I was crying because I was going to be late.  I was also crying because I realized I had done it all, no one had done this to me.  I had messed up.

When I arrived I was greeted by a couple of new girls at the front desk.  They assured me I had time and had been told I would be arriving late.  The Prana studio looked beautiful.  The lighting was gorgeous and it looked peaceful. 

The large studio room was bustling and full.  The lights were dimly bright.  As I entered, Chris, another yoga teacher training classmate, waved me over to where she and Amanda were, right up front.  They had saved me a spot in the front row, right by the wall.  I felt lucky because I love being by the wall when I am at the yoga studio.  I don’t know why, it’s just more comfy for me.  I set out my mat and got situated.  Chris looked at me questionably, for I had red eyes and dripping hair.  I explained, “I was late so I cried on the way over here.”  She laughed and shook her head.  Chris is like a graceful, fancy lady.  She is older than me by a bit and her body is rocking!  She is great shape and has a beautiful face and hair.  She is very mothering and loving.  She is very dignified and smart.  I really love her and admire her. 

Chris looks gorgeous!  I look UGH!  C''est la vie!  Chris is the gorgeous blond.

I noticed Kathryn Budig.  I was surprised.  Here she was, famous yogi, model, and cool person, yet totally human.  I know, that sounds dumb.  It’s just that she was so tiny and like a normal girl.  She is beautiful, yes, but in a normal, pretty, happy girl way.  She wasn’t all glammed up for a photo shoot; she was just herself, sitting on the floor.  Don’t get me wrong, she is an impressive person and carries herself well.  She was just a small lady, sitting on a bolster and writing with colored markers on a big memo pad.  The big ones that are on a stand and you flip the pages over as you go.    I can’t think of what these items are called.  Anyway, she was wearing a ton of bracelets on her right arm, and she seemed kind of like a fancy hippy.  Then she spoke and commanded all to get it together and gather around her and the poster board.  I was so lucky to be up front.  I felt like she was teaching to me.  I really liked what she had to say and I really liked her style.

Kathryn’s motto, “Aim True”  “My happiness depends on me-you are off the hook.”  Kathryn couldn’t remember where that quote was from, but I know it is from Abraham/Hicks.  Kathryn’s Aim True comes from a goddess she admires, Artemis.  A prayer or statement pertaining to Artemis is, “Make my aim true, give me goals and the means to achieve them.”  I love this mantra/prayer/whatever you want to call it.  It is acknowledging a higher power that is available to you, to assist you in becoming a better you for you.  I really liked it. 

Kathryn talked about living your life in LOVE vs. Fear.  Budig advised we start every single day with intention (or at least try to) and to start the day with what you are truly grateful for in your life.  By doing this, you will become the person you really want to be.  She posted a quote by Joseph Campbell, “Be your own person and not be ruled by the expectation of others.”  Also, “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.”  I really love those quotes.  If I can just integrate these tenements, thoughts, into my life and really come to believe them, I believe I could be me, really me, for the first time in a long time.  Budig went on to say”…you are lacking nothing.”  She shared an Irish prayer, “Drop to your knees and Thank God you can stand.” 

Kathryn Budig had posted this on her FB page.  Yes, we are FB friends.  : )  Lucky me!

Budig shared that we have 2 choices we can make.  We can act out of a place of Love or Fear.   To live or to act out of Love, one lives from a place of Hope, an ability to embrace the moment and have belief and confidence in your choices and be grateful.  To act or live out of Fear, one lives from a place of doubt, wasting time in expectations of the worst happening or anticipating the worst to happen, living with a feeling of dread and angst.  Living from Love also means forgiving.  Let it go.  Love Love Love always Send Love to those who have hurt you to heal yourself.  You don’t have to go to them personally and tell them you forgive them; you can do it for yourself to heal yourself.  I really need to do that and heal myself.  I have a lot of pain and anger and hate that I need to heal out of my life.  All that pain is killing me.  It is killing me mentally and physically.  I am punishing myself for that wrong that was committed.  I did nothing wrong!  Why am I hurting myself?  It’s crazy.  I am grateful that I realize that at this moment as I type up my notes.  I am grateful for my own heart and my ability to forgive.

Sweet Amanda!  Throughout my yoga teacher training, Amanda was ALWAYS there for me.  She is a true and dear friend.  xo

Kathryn gave us some homework.  She had listed a few questions that she wanted us to answer for ourselves.  Then, figure out how to apply our positive and loving answers to our lives.  The questions were:

1)      What does “Aim True” mean to you?  (Answer this question-give it some thought-it will change and alter over time.)

2)    Name 3 to 4 Positive Qualities about yourself?  (Awesome, unique qualities, think what your best friend would say)  example:  smart, gregarious, loving, sees the positive side of a situation, great humor…

3)    Take those positive qualities and apply them to your life.  (Create your own path, always chose Love over Fear, it’s up to you.)

4)    Name 3 to 4 poses you are terrified of?  I fear Crow, Head Stand, Wheel pose.  Why?  I fear physical pain, horrible injury or I believe I have a disabilities or being too fat.  That’s me!

If you have real injury, not doing a pose that scares you is intelligence, not cowardice.  A fear of the unknown is what prohibits most of us from doing some poses.  Open yourself up and put yourself out there.  You have to let go, surrender, into the pose.  You will be able to do all poses.  There are plenty of people out there ready to put you down; you do not have to be one of them. 

Ms. Budig also gave us a project to do.  Budig asked that we notice how people who love you react to you and write it down.  Then, write down how you can apply those reactions to your own life.  I love this.  I plan on doing this project as often as possible.  I need to learn how to be positive.  For example, my whole family, who I must assume love me, feel I can become a capable yogi, a published and fantastic author, a rich bitch!  Ha  (when I say bitch, I say it in only the best way.) 

We then went on to practicing yoga.  Most of the yoga was beyond my abilities, yet I didn’t feel badly.  The practice was difficult and fast, yet I was able to keep up in my own way.  Also, she had us go through the poses meaningfully, pausing at each pose with 3 full breathes.  It was an amazing feeling. 

Kathryn stated that she was a very loving person.  She feels that is one of her best qualities.  I have to agree with her.  She is a very loving and caring person.  Budig knows what she is talking about; she so loves and treated everyone lovingly.  She is also really funny and approachable.  I felt no resistance when I came up to her and we had a photo taken.  She had a great humor and was very kind.  What a blessing!  I am so grateful for this experience and I am thankful to Prana Yoga School for bringing such wonderful teachers to their students.  I am so grateful I got there to learn from Kathryn Budig. 

I love this picture.  Yes, I am literally twice the size of Kathryn.  I still love this picture.  Why?  Kathryn really touched my heart.  Kathryn really is a love.  She was a blessing to me.  Hey, she still is !!!!  xo

Peace Love JOY

Monday, November 7, 2011

Marcus Aurelius said.....

“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

I just read this post on FB and it really struck me.  I have known this, that everything that happens to us is because of our own actions, yet this quote made it finally sink into my heart/soul.  I feel so free!  Isn't this crazy!  ?  One simple quote seen on FB can be so meaningful or meaningless.  Life is so wonderful.  I am so pleased.

I have a Kathryn Budig post, a Wade Morissette post and many more.  I am just getting my head and body together right now.  OH...I am also starting a cleanse.

I love you all.  We are all connected.  What a blessing!

Peace Love JOY
Amy  xoxox

Awakening!  Namaste