Sunday, January 22, 2012


See!  I look like a nightmare!  My eyes tell the story of not eating right for my body and not doing my yoga thing.  yikes!

I have signed up for 8 hours + of yoga for this week.  Why?  Because it scares the crap out of me. 

I have been very agoraphobiaish (my own word, obviously) ever sine January 3rd.  I had gone to the Prana grand opening of their new space.  I had a great time.  Later that evening, around 11pm, I became deathly ill.  I puked every bit of my internal organs out and those of anyone near me.  Then, I began to shit.  I shit and puked until the cows came home.  Then I shivered and ached for a week.  Then I just felt nauseous for about a week.  I finally felt better last week. 

I am one crazy bastard.  Or bitch.   I guess bitch is more correct.  I have allowed myself to get all agora (my abbreviation of my struggle) and not go to yoga since January 3rd!  CRAZY!!!!

I feel like shit.  I look like shit.  I have been eating like shit.  I'm a shit.

So, I am going back.  Tomorrow night is Dani's heated Vinyasa class.  I will be there.  Will I survive?  I will keep you posted.

I have to fight my fears.  I have to take the steps to my recovery from agora and fatassness.  I know I have to do it.  For me.  If I really love me, damn it!  I guess I love you, bitch.  (I am talking to myself.  I do that allll the time.  normal?  who cares!)

I also have to manifest the cash for 2 upcoming workshops at Prana.  In February, Diane Booth Gillam-Yogastrology, is coming to Prana.  I must be there.  I am the angel who hooked Prana and Diane up!  : )  ALSO, my newest teacher, David Romanelli, is coming to Prana in March !!!  Damn!  I need to manifest lots of cash asap!

Please send me abundance in cash vibes !

I will let you all know if I survive this week  You know, I will.  : )

Ganesh will help me kick down the walls of my fat ass and lazy ways!  Namaste

Peace Love Joy
Namaste  xo