Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Yin Vin Yoga

This morning at 10 am I will be taking a yoga class called Yin Vin Yoga.  Here is the description of the class from the Pranayoga school :

The perfect balance: Yin and Vinyasa. Focusing on the deeper connective tissues of the body during the first half of class, Yin Yoga will help you reach new depths in postures and increase your range of motion. Finish the class with power and movement during an active Vinyasa sequence, designed to emphasize this newfound flow of energy.
I am excited because Vinyasa is beautiful and flowing, but tough.  I am hoping the Yin really does help me increase my range of motion!

I am also very nervous!   This is me...but I try not to focus on that too much.  I just want to get there and get going. 

I will post later about the class.  I have a lot more to talk about.  I could go on and on....I will have to change the name of this blog to "Rambler".  I am a rambler. 

Peace Love JOY  xoxo


  1. Love the new blog...assuming it's naked in a "naked chef" sort of way...basic, down to earth, all things extraneous removed..however even if it's literal naked..I'm down with it!


  2. @ Carolyn (aka: Breeze!) Thanks so much, Carolyn. I really respect your opinion. My blog is not written for checking grammar or sentence structure, etc...It is me, rambling! ha Thank you so much for your support! Your blog is very inspirational for me. xo

  3. @Vincent! Darling I love you! I did enjoy my class and I will be blogging about it tonight! Peace Love JOY xoxoxo
