Saturday, July 16, 2011

What to do???????

He called.  My friend of many years, Sam (not his real name), called me, July 8th,  Friday night.  I have not heard from Sam in some time.  We had a falling out or we broke up or whatever you want to call it.  Sam is a gay man, we were like best friends or brother and sister.  Sam sent me a message on Facebook to let me know he needed to be away from me.  The issue?  Well, there were and are many issues.  The 2 main issues were: drinking and how he cares for his dogs.  I made an ultimatum, I guess. 

Sam is a alcoholic.  Sam thinks I am crazy and that he is not an alcoholic.  Sam suffers from a mental illness and alcoholism.  Yes, that is my unprofessional opinion.  That's it.  Talking to Sam in person or on the phone would tear me apart.  He would be drunk and irritable and mean.  When Sam was less drunk, for let's face it, the alcohol never has a chance to get out of his system, he is an intelligent and funny man!  I love him like a brother.  I really do.  But it was killing me inside and out to speak with him when he was drunk.  I am on this journey to wellness of mind, spirit and body and I just couldn't take it.  So, I told Sam I would only speak with him on the phone during the day.  Sam only drinks after 5pm.  Sam was angry about that from the beginning.  I can see why.  I mean, who am I to say that to him?  I am not a perfect angel and have tons of weight and depression and blahness to get over...but I felt like I couldn't help him and myself at the same time.  I have to think about myself first. 

Also, Sam doesn't take care of his 3 dogs like I would take care of my beloved pets.  They are overweight, he never takes them to the vet nor bathes them.  He will sometimes be so drunk at night he forgets them outside.  Luckily, it hasn't happened when it has been too cold.  One of Sam's dogs, Jessie, (again, not the sweet baby's name) and I have a special bond.  Jessie would come and visit me in my dreams.  I mean it.  In real time, I would be in the middle of a dream and galloping toward me would be Jessie, in the moment and happy to see me.  I would know I was in a dream and that Jessie was real.  I would tell Jessie hello and hug/kiss him and tell him I will see him soon.  Then Jessie would leave my dream, running happily home.  Jessie has seizures and is now very ill.  Though Jessie hasn't had a seizure in some time, when Sam called he said he thinks Jessie is dying.  Sam told me that he told Jessie, "You have to heal yourself, Daddy can't help you."  That made me furious!  That is like telling someone you love who broke their leg, they have to heal themselves.  Yes, I believe our minds and bodies are connected and we do have to have a positive attitude to heal ourselves.  BUT I believe God, the Universe, Jesus, Buddha...created people.  God created people who love to work in the medical field.  Western and Eastern medicine together is a beautiful thing.  But take your damn dog to the vet!  When Sarah and I had Tempie, he had many illnesses.  If he needed to go to the vet, he went.  If we had to starve or skip paying some bills or beg our Mom for money, Tempie went to the vet.  I just cannot understand a different way.

Anyway, this last call, as I was feeling my heart beat faster and my words stumbling out of my mouth nonsensically as I kept my feelings to myself, I realized that nothing has changed with Sam.  Nothing.  I can't do this again.  I instantly felt myself creeping back to my old self who agreed with everything Sam said and did, most of the time, what he asked me to do.  I hated that Amy.  I can't do that again. 

It was after talking with Sam and crying for a long time over Jessie, I realized I wasn't really that much different either.  I wasn't giving yoga my all.  Was I really studying as much as I should?  Was I practicing yoga as much as I should?  Was I creating a good environment in my home for writing and studying?  I had to be honest with myself and say no.  No, I wasn't studying my yoga, practicing my yoga nor creating a clean and clear environment to work and write.  My art was suffering, my spirit was suffering and my beautiful body was suffering.

So, I prayed to God.  I told God I was going to work harder in all areas of my life to achieve my goals and that I offer all that up for Sam and Jessie.  I offer it up especially for Jessie, who has a heart as big as the expanding Universe.  I love you Jessie.  I love you Sam.

This doggie reminds me of Jessie. xo

I signed up for the $65 a month membership to Pranayoga School.  Now I can go to yoga every day and as many times a day as I can stand!  Last Thursday I went to yoga @6:30 am and 5:30pm!  I am cleaning my house, which is full of clothes, papers and books.  I told my sister, Sarah, we are starting to look like hoarders!  I remember how GREAT it felt last September to get rid of 3 cars and now have just the Jeep.  We are doing the same thing in our house.  It is an amazing feeling. 

I am also learning more and more about an Ayurvedic lifestyle. I will be setting up an appointment with Dani, my mentor, to learn more about the diet and lifestyle.  I also would like to see the only Ayurvedic doctor in our area, in Muncie, Indiana.  I am trying to get over my agoraphobia by going out a little more.  I am being more honest about myself to myself.  I am allowing myself to feel sad if I am sad...but not allowing it to be who I am.  I remind myself constantly that I am a light!  I am happiness incarnate. 

I can't swoop in and take Jessie away from Sam.  Jessie adores Sam.  Sam is Jessie's daddy!  I just meditate, pulling the darkness out of Jessie and bringing it into me and turning it into bright light.  Then I see Jessie healthy and happy again.  ( I learned that simple meditation from Dani. xo) 

I love you, Jessie.  xoxoxoxoxo
Peace Love Joy
Amy xo

Tempie, old man, blind..but well taken care of and loved!  xo

Friday, July 8, 2011

Simon Park

I was set to go and practice with Simon Park.  I have never met him, but according to my teacher, Dani, he's the best!  I missed tonight.  I am going with the flow.  I am working very hard on not feeling sad or let down.  I am as I am.  I am, I no one there!  Ok...a little Neil Diamond for you.

I miss my yoga classmates.  We didn't have class last Thursday.  They are a bunch of great gals!

I am working on a project for yoga class.  Yoga as art.  I think that goes without saying.  Yoga is an art and a science and a philosophy.  I have contacted artists and only one great yoga teacher, Eddie, responded.  What can I do? 

Does anyone really respond to blogs?  Is my blog a complete snore?  ha ha

Just a little post to blah it up.

Namaste fuck fuck fuck!  : )