Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rich Logan and a night of chanting....and wine....and rain...

This event happened in May.  I know I know...I am a famous procrastinator!  I don't's who I am.

Anyway, I decide to face my agoraphobia and go to an event held at a safe place for me, Pranayoga School of Health and Yoga southwest location in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  It's a great place...blah blah blah.  Just giving Prana a plug.  : )

It was an evening of chanting with Rich Logan who, I guess, is quite famous in these parts for the singing/chanting business.  I had never heard of him...yet I had.  In my usual trips around Google, I had already happened upon his blog when I was living with my Mom, Lois, for over a month this winter while she recovered from foot surgery.  (NIGHTMARE!)  ha ha  Just kidding.  I don't know if it's his blog, but he was featured.

The picture of Rich Logan..well...he kind of looked like a homeless person or an old hippie who was a yogi who was a homeless man.  I am not trying to be mean, it was my first impression. 

When I saw him, live and in person, my imagination was not far from wrong.  When he was just sitting there, his gray hair was kind of scraggly (my own word) and pulled back in a ponytail.  He had a gray kind of pallor and he seemed small.  I sat on a cushion, uncomfortably, (I am a chair person.) and was happy to see Dani's husband, Chris, was going to play the drums.  Oh, I am skipping a lot of crap.  REWIND.xcklfjxclkjflk;djflksdjfl;

I make my sister, Sarah, come with me.  She is not pleased.  She kind of wanted to go but she wasn't too impressed with the idea.  She wanted to just go over to her friend Erin's house and drink and laugh.  blah  Well, we decided we could go to Erin's house after the chanting. Erin has been BEGGING to be my friend for some time now...and I gave in...finally.  It was getting pretty sad.  (Hi Erin!  love you!  ha ha)

One important thing, I am getting into better shape.  I was able to wear this black kind of hippie like shirt that I haven't been able to wear for sometime for it was wayyyyy too tight.  Also, I wore my red shoes that are velvety and fun. 

sexy red shoes and lots and lots of bracelets!

Cute shoes....I know!  Anyway, I was feeling ok...but I was sooooooo nervous, I needed wine.  I know.  As a yogi, I should rely on meditation and so on, but wine is a good source of vitamin c and grapeful goodness.  So, we bought a couple of bottles of Cabernet and off we went.

When we arrived, I was so nervous, I could hardly walk in my cute, red shoes.  I was walking like Frankenstein.  I saw Dani, but she had her kids (2 really cute girls) and she had her hands full.  Sarah and I went into the studio and just sat there on the couch.  I have to admit, I had had about 2 glasses of wine.  I was not feeling much pain.  Then Chris, Dani's husband, came over and greeted us with love and hugs.  He is soooo handsome and a sweetheart.  He is also very kind. 

We were finally allowed to go into the studio and sit on the floor on cushions.  It was beautiful inside.  There were little candles everywhere and the lighting was PERFECT!  I could have sat in a chair, but Sarah and I decided to sit on cushions to the left front by the man, Rich Logan.  As I said earlier, he was looking kind of hippie and straw like hair.  But, he was smiling and warm.  He started and had a lovely speaking voice.  I am a sucker for a nice voice.  If a man has a voice that grates on me...he's done.  Anyway, Sarah and I were pleased to see that Chris was going to be drumming.  I would like to add a video of the event, but it's super black.  You can see Chris' shadow but you cannot see Rich Logan at all.  I only had my cell phone and it sucked.  Let's see if I can add it.

Well, You can see Chris' shadow and hear the chanting.  It was very special.

The only thing that sucked that whole night was this girl.  Her mother was one of those know...their kids get away with murder.  This girl was about 8 yrs old and would scream out and talk to Rich Logan, who would pretend she was great and was snacking on the treats at the front for an offering for AFTER the show.  My mother would have smacked us back in line so fast I would have been chanting a prayer of forgiveness.  BUT we would never have done that for we, all 4 daughters, were pretty well behaved in public.  At home, that was another story.

OK, it was a great love fun fest.  Oh, Amanda from my yoga class was there.  She is so sweet.  Also, Claudia was there dressed in a beautiful sari.  Amanda is a good friend to me in class and so is Claudia.  Really, all the girls in my yoga teacher training are really great to me.

The best part came when it was over and I went up to Rich Logan to thank him for a wonderful evening.  It really was beautiful and he has a great voice.  He offered me an almond.  I refused.  THEN he said, "How about a hug?"
Well ladies, I said yes.  AND THE MAN HUGGED SO WELL !

I mean it.  Rich Logan can hug me anytime...if you get my meaning!  ha ha  Meaning????  You cannot judge a person by the way they look.  I was standing in front of him and he was tall and had a good build.  He had gentle eyes and a good face.  Oh...did I mention his hugging ?????  OMMMM my!

Seriously, all hugging aside, it was a lovely time.

It was pouring rain.  I love that.  An extra bonus!  I love RAIN!

We went over to Erin's, she was all over me with with adoration.  Her husband is funny though he is Republican and there was another girl, also named Amy, who was all Amys' are!  ha ha  I drank wine, ate chips and dip and we went home. 

I went to sleep with chanting in my heart.  Thanks Rich Logan.  You sure hug like a pro!  Anytime mister....anytime  : )

Peace Love JOY

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