Thursday, October 20, 2011

By The Way...

I graduated from Prana Yoga School of Yoga and Health on October 3, 2011. 

Well, I still have to make up 2 hours of elective classes.  I hope to complete that soon.  That means, I have to go to a couple or 1 yoga workshop taught by some famous or super cool yogi.  What a drag!  haha

I am very happy.  I still cannot teach a class.  Well, I could teach a class.  BUT I want to be much better.  I still cannot do wheel pose, headstand or plow pose.  Those are basic poses an instructor should know.  I guess, I could skip it.  I don't know, it's a thing for me.  I guess I am happy about it.

The graduation was kind of thrown together.  The studio, Prana Southwest location, was SUPER HOT.  Everyone had brought food.  I, feeling lazy, bought stuff at the Fresh Market.  (By the way, it sucked!  I have never bought anything from the Fresh Market and had it suck as bad as this stuff did suck suck and suck.)  I was drunk.

I should explain why I was tipsy.  My friend, Erin Woods, threw a little dinner party in my honor.  My Mother, Lois and my twin, Sarah, were also invited.  Erin prepared a lovely meal and there was wine.  Well, I drank the wine.  By the time we arrived, I was feeling very good.  ooooops!

It was so hot in the front, Erin, Sarah, Erin's daughter, Etta and I went into the practice studio and sat on the floor.  We eventually mingled a bit, but I am really terrible at these kinds of things.  I like to hide.  I know, nuts.  But I do prefer to hide.

I am the short, chubby one in the back row on the right side.  I hate that when I smile, I put my chin down and my double chin goes triple!  Thank GOD I am so beautiful!  Namaste bitches!

Dani read aloud what the classmates had said about you before the graduates and their families and friends.  I knew that someone would say I was "loud" and sure was said.  ugh  I felt bad for a second then said to myself, "Fuck you, whoever you are, yogi who said I was loud....FUCK YOU!"  Then I thought to myself...I am loud...even my thoughts!  haha  C'est la vie!  I don't give a rip! 

Dani would say our names and say, "Amy, Thank you for showing up as you are...Our experience of you is..."  Here is what people in my class said their experience of me was...including LOUD!

Expressive, talkative, artistic, kind, ambitious, talkative, crazy, LOUD, enthusiastic, talkative, funny, hard-working, unfiltered, real, funny, loving, determined, on her way, smart, peace, loving, hilarious, authentic, strong, brave, fun, encourager, talkative, nice, outgoing, laughter, French, art, vivacious, open-hearted, and accepting.

It isn't such a bad list.  I mean, I like everything that was said except LOUD!  Yes, if more than 1 person said the same thing, Dani read it again.  I don't know why, but she did.  Then she gave me the certificate thing and her little daughters handed out a pocket sized edition of "Integral Yoga, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali."  I was a little disappointed.  One of my classmates, Claudia,  said it reminded her of when the Jehovah Witness people hand out those little books.  ha ha  Claudia was always funny and ironic. 

Dani also had a quote that I liked, "One has just to be oneself.  That's my basic message.  The moment you accept yourself as you are, all burdens, all mountainous burdens, simply disappear.  Then life is a sheer joy, a festival of lights."  Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Also, Dani's daughter, the oldest, who gave me my little bible..I mean pocket edition of the Sutras, grimaced when I took it from her.  She wasn't pleased she got me.  ha ha  I was tipsy, so I immediately said to her as I took the book, "Oh no, you didn't want to have to give me the book, did you?  Oh, you poor baby."  Of course, I sneered at her.  I hate kids.  I really do and I don't care who knows it.  It's funny, a lot of kids like me.  They are old souls, though.  My friend Erin's little girl, Etta, is a pure old soul.  We get along great.  But if a kid is a brat, I will slap them down.  I believe in treating a kid the same way I would treat a rude adult.  That means, I ignore kids most of the time.  But, like I said, I was a little tipsy!  Hey, I am a wine drinking yogi.  Give me a break!

All in all, I was glad to leave.  It was an okay party yet I didn't feel comfy.  I wanted to talk to the girls, but I had only brief moments with them.  I love everyone in my Kula (yoga group) very much.  I missed Colleen and Tiffany, who missed the graduation.  I am happy I am done with yoga school. 

Now?  Now I continue my yoga journey.  I am still in my infancy as far as yoga is concerned.  I have TONS I need to learn both physically and mentally.  This road will never end.  I feel that with yoga school over, I can enjoy learning.  That is my fault.  I allowed myself to freak out and not just enjoy yoga for what it is.  I do now.  I just go to classes and I do the best I can do.  I still feel badly sometimes.  If I can't do a certain pose or go as fast as the other people, I may feel sucky for a second. Then I say, "fuck it!" and get back to business.  I don't waste too much time feeling badly anymore.  I am there for me.  It's all about me.  I love the new me.

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