Sunday, January 22, 2012


See!  I look like a nightmare!  My eyes tell the story of not eating right for my body and not doing my yoga thing.  yikes!

I have signed up for 8 hours + of yoga for this week.  Why?  Because it scares the crap out of me. 

I have been very agoraphobiaish (my own word, obviously) ever sine January 3rd.  I had gone to the Prana grand opening of their new space.  I had a great time.  Later that evening, around 11pm, I became deathly ill.  I puked every bit of my internal organs out and those of anyone near me.  Then, I began to shit.  I shit and puked until the cows came home.  Then I shivered and ached for a week.  Then I just felt nauseous for about a week.  I finally felt better last week. 

I am one crazy bastard.  Or bitch.   I guess bitch is more correct.  I have allowed myself to get all agora (my abbreviation of my struggle) and not go to yoga since January 3rd!  CRAZY!!!!

I feel like shit.  I look like shit.  I have been eating like shit.  I'm a shit.

So, I am going back.  Tomorrow night is Dani's heated Vinyasa class.  I will be there.  Will I survive?  I will keep you posted.

I have to fight my fears.  I have to take the steps to my recovery from agora and fatassness.  I know I have to do it.  For me.  If I really love me, damn it!  I guess I love you, bitch.  (I am talking to myself.  I do that allll the time.  normal?  who cares!)

I also have to manifest the cash for 2 upcoming workshops at Prana.  In February, Diane Booth Gillam-Yogastrology, is coming to Prana.  I must be there.  I am the angel who hooked Prana and Diane up!  : )  ALSO, my newest teacher, David Romanelli, is coming to Prana in March !!!  Damn!  I need to manifest lots of cash asap!

Please send me abundance in cash vibes !

I will let you all know if I survive this week  You know, I will.  : )

Ganesh will help me kick down the walls of my fat ass and lazy ways!  Namaste

Peace Love Joy
Namaste  xo


  1. Amy! You can totally pick yourself up from this and start now to put YOU first. I don't have all the answers because I, too, am working on my fatassness. But maybe you need to figure out what is stopping you from reaching your goals?

    This is a great website that is full of motivational pick-me-ups.

    Also, when I went to Fitness Ridge for that month, there was a counselor there that is FANTASTIC!! She doesn't mess around with any BS and gets to the root of the problem. Plus she's cool, too. Her name is Jen Morton and she does phone counseling as well. I'm not sure how much she charges but I've only heard great things about her. Here's her website:

    Hang in there woman!!!!!!!!

    1. Robin,
      Thank you for you comment! Yes, I will check her out. I love to surround myself with positive and loving people. That is why I am so blessed by your friendship! I went to yoga last night and it was remarkable. I am so happy. Sending you peace and love and JOY!
      Also, I am so proud of you and the steps you are taking in your life. You are so brave! xo
